• "The Incubator offered me something I have not seen anywhere else: a community of writers with a serious commitment to their work, who can offer both sharp and tailored craft advice and open heartfelt discussions of the deeply emotional and challenging work of long form writing. It is exactly the combination I've been looking for, and with this support, I was able to finish a book revision I'd been working on for over a year. I still receive near daily encouragement and affirmation from Anna, Colleen and the writers in my cohort."

    Danielle LaSusa, PhD, author of memoir-in-progress You’re Not Real

  • "Anna and Colleen have developed something exceptional: a matrix of strong and diverse writers who support one another sincerely and generously while daring one another to defy our own limitations. In the months since the Incubator ended, our relationships have continued to deepen and we remain present for each other to discuss approach, process, publishing, disappointments, and the successes we celebrate together. To me, the nest Colleen and Anna built remains a precious source of courage as I continue work on a daunting project. "

    Amber Meadow Adams, PhD., author of the novel-in-progress If Only For Today

  • “I am in awe of the work that Anna and Colleen did to create the Incubator. My experience was the exact sort of challenge I needed to reconsider my existing patterns as a writer, and benefit from the support and generosity of all the new concepts offered throughout. The combination of communal and individual support offered was a gift that I'm grateful to have received, and know that so many other writers would benefit from it as well.”

    Haley Mlotek, former editor of The Hairpin and author of the forthcoming No Fault

  • “The Incubator has saved my writing dreams. It has pulled me back from the brink of book suicide. If not for the Incubator, I would still be sitting on my ass, running through a mental check-list on WHY I SHOULDN'T BE WRITING MY BOOK and then hosting a pity party for myself right after. There would be no joy, no clarity, no love for myself, nor for my book."

    Ying Reinhardt, author of memoir-in-progress The Wander Years

  • “When I started the Incubator, I was making slow, sporadic progress on a project I wasn't yet comfortable calling a book. Six weeks later, I'd finished a draft! Colleen and Anna have really created something special here: from the craft talks to the Book Therapy sessions, the weekly table reads to the daily accountability texts, I felt so supported and inspired, start to finish. Maybe most of all, I just appreciated waking up every morning knowing I'd be working in the company of so many other stellar writers."

    Brian Benson, author of Going Somewhere

  • "Even if my project--a deeply-researched work of journalistic nonfiction--was different from those of my Incubator peers, the experience of collective process and journey was priceless; it transformed the way I have been working and approaching challenges even after the incubator wrapped (though I still miss it!)”

    Samantha Culp, author of a forthcoming book about futurism with Crown Publishing

  • “The Incubator transformed my relationship to writing in terms of what I believe myself able to accomplish. I wrote for 3-4 hours a day, developed a muscle for creating the space and the time and developed friendships with the people in my group. I highly recommend this Incubator to anyone who is struggling with creating writing space in their lives.”

    Amy Bond, author of the memoir-in-progress Divorce: A Love Story

  • "I’m grateful for the Incubator because it taught me what intentional support and care look and feel like from a community of writers. I was newer to the practice and yet everyone made me feel so welcome and celebrated. I have gotten to know some of the best people over the course of six weeks. I will always cherish this experience. It changed my writing life."

    Nimarta Narang, short story writer and editor at Brown Girl Magazine